ImageMonkey / imagemonkey-core

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label suggestions: TV / monitor #193

Open dobkeratops opened 6 years ago

dobkeratops commented 6 years ago

r.e. TV, thinking about whats going on , perhaps part of the problem is ambiguity, I was trying to think what graph might cover the cases;

it's also possible the attributes system would clean this up (attributes like 'e-ink|flatscreen|CRT|printed image|painted image','illuminated image' 'color image, monochrome image','advertising space','public information display','TV','computer monitor','embedded display' .. could be combined to yield the whole array of cases.. then give some of the common cases aliases)

What I might at least suggest is a node flatscreen TV/monitor (ambiguous cases) and flatscreen monitor (to complement TV) which would cover many of the common/ examples reasonably well.

here's an attempt to classify more of the examples, maybe not comprehensive or perfect yet but it should illustrates the issues:-

electronic device->electronic display electronic display ->e-ink electronic display ->TV/monitor

TV/monitor->CRT TV/monitor->flatscreen

CRT->CRT TV - CRT in the living room with TV tuner CRT->CRT monitor - covers CRT's used as displays in public spaces CRT monitor->CRT computer monitor - legacy CRT monitors (interestingly labelMe's images are dated by containing loads of these!)

embedded flatscreen->smartphone screen embedded flatscreen->tablet screen

flatscreen TV/monitor->flatscreen digital signage - TV's or monitors in public spaces flatscreen TV/monitor->computer monitor flatscreen TV/monitor->TV

-TODO : figure out the 'all-in-one PC', which effectively has an embedded monitor.. many iMacs in the stock photos..

rectangular flat image->picture frame -e.g. in art galleries on hanging on the wall rectangular flat image->billboard - i.e. advertising billboards rectangular flat image->flatscreen rectangular flat image->book cover

.. there's still possibilities like murals painted on walls, projected images, prints to figure out.. and there's giant screens in public spaces and stadiums like a combination of billboard and 'flatscreen TV/monitor'

nodes collected for easier cut/paste..

"electronic device"->"electronic display"
"electronic display" ->"e-ink"
"electronic display" ->"TV/monitor"

"CRT"->"CRT monitor"
"CRT monitor"->"CRT computer monitor"

"flatscreen"->"flatscreen TV/monitor" 
"flatscreen"->"embedded flatscreen"
"embedded flatscreen"->"laptop screen"

"embedded flatscreen"->"smartphone screen"
"embedded flatscreen"->"tablet screen"

"flatscreen TV/monitor"->"flatscreen digital signage"  
"flatscreen TV/monitor"->"computer monitor"
"flatscreen TV/monitor"->"TV"
"rectangular flat image"->"picture frame" 
"rectangular flat image"->"billboard"
"rectangular flat image"->"flatscreen"
"rectangular flat image"->"book cover"
"rectangular flat image"->"printed image" 
bbernhard commented 6 years ago

r.e. TV, thinking about whats going on , perhaps part of the problem is ambiguity

totally agreed.

it's also possible the attributes system would clean this up (attributes like 'e-ink|flatscreen|CRT|printed image|painted image','illuminated image' 'color image, monochrome image','advertising space','public information display','TV','computer monitor','embedded display' .. could be combined to yield the whole array of cases.. then give some of the common cases aliases)

yeah, my hope is that we can stick with a (handful of) broad label(s) and use the attributes system to refine it. I might be completely wrong on that, but I think it could be a bit overwhelming for most users, if we expose the full label set and let them choose between fine label nuances ("is that now a e-ink display or a touchscreen?"). I think with a lot of possibilites it's easy to lose yourself in details and then give up frustrated, because you can't find the correct label. If we only expose some base labels, I think you feel a sense of achievement more easily.

And for all the people that want to go into details, there is still the attributes system, where we could show the full blown label list.

One thing we could definitely consider (I think you also mentioned that before) is a list of synonyms. I think that's especially helpful for "power users", as they probably think about the detailed label first. e.q: If there is a CRT shown, a power user would probably try CRT first. What we could do now is, we could map the CRT to the broader label TV/monitor. I think that wouldn't be much effort, as we would need the detailed labels anyway for the attributes system - so we could basically just do a reverse mapping.

What do you think about that? Does that make sense?