ImageScience / NeuronJ

ImageJ plugin for neurite tracing and analysis
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SWC export #1

Open tferr opened 7 years ago

tferr commented 7 years ago

@emeijering, We are trying to improve SNT so it does not fall behind. One priority would be to make all ImageJ tracing plugins to be aware of each other. The easiest seems to make NeuronJ capable of exporting paths using the SWC specification in addition to NeuronJ data format. SWC is extremely limited, but for better or worse, it is the most common and it won't go anywhere anytime soon.

Do you have any plans to implement this functionality?

emeijering commented 7 years ago

My wish list for NeuronJ is enormous and includes SWC export. Hopefully I will find time to work on it at some point in the near future.

tferr commented 7 years ago

Great! Do let us know if we can help. Just in case you find this relevant: you may also want to have a look at the .traces file format used by Simple Neurite Tracer: it is xml-based, simple, and some projects outside SNT are already aware of it. There is also a rather outdated SNT wishlist.

Also, if you don't mind, I'd file other suggestions here or on SNT's repository, if I'll ever come across other issues. Please do not take them as pressure or criticism, it is just so that things are not forgotten.