PS: there's docker image alpinelinux/alpine-gitlab-ci:latest-armv7 which needs to point --platform=linux/arm/v7 argument, also alpine using doas instead of sudo now. For php81 you need to add "community" and "testing" repos to doas vi /etc/apk/repositories
@andypost although I understand some of those words, I'd really appreciate a pull request that adds a container to the directory that does all the needful to be able to run the tests on 32bit.
To be clear, I don't care about 32bit PHP as I have not used it in well over a decade. But if you care about it, and want me to test against it before doing releases, stepping up and making a PR would be the way to get it done.
andypost wrote:
@andypost although I understand some of those words, I'd really appreciate a pull request that adds a container to the directory that does all the needful to be able to run the tests on 32bit.
To be clear, I don't care about 32bit PHP as I have not used it in well over a decade. But if you care about it, and want me to test against it before doing releases, stepping up and making a PR would be the way to get it done.