ImaginarySense / Imaginary-Teleprompter

Easy to use, free software, teleprompter app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Importing RTF Files #20

Open lawltrox opened 6 years ago

lawltrox commented 6 years ago


I was wondering its possible to import RTF files as source files. I tried doing so but the files themselves lose all of their formatting. If i try pasting it as text via the interface it will show the formatting on the input box but once i hit OK it loses all of its formatting.

imaginary teleprompter_2018-05-08_08-57-08 imaginary teleprompter_2018-05-08_08-57-21

Cuperino commented 6 years ago

Hello @lawltrox,

RTF is not currently supported but it is in our To Do list. So far it's had a low priority and no particular deadline. In order to support RTF, the following needs to be done:

  1. Implement an existing, free software, RTF to HTML/CSS text parser that runs when importing.
  2. Create an HTML/CSS parsing layer that converts any text size specifications from fixed measurements, such as 'px' and 'pt', to 'em', the relative unit used in Teleprompter.

It really isn't much work, but it'll take some time before the core team is able to come back into development. Nevertheless, we'd be happy to assist any developers willing to contribute. Our plans regarding Imaginary Teleprompter are laid out in the following page:

As I said, feature development is currently stalled but we'll hopefully resume development in late 2018. If I were to give an uncommitted, rough estimate, I'd say we'd reach this feature by late 2019.

lawltrox commented 6 years ago

Ah that's fair enough. On a second look i guess its my fault for assuming it would work when i read Rich Text Editing so my bad!