ImaginarySense / Imaginary-Teleprompter

Easy to use, free software, teleprompter app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Edit window, add progress bar and scrolling effect when PGUP or DOWN #71

Open hainguyen0112 opened 3 years ago

hainguyen0112 commented 3 years ago

Hello Imaginary-Teleprompter team, Thank you so much for your great free software. I'm using parallel several types of teleprompter software, both MAC and PC. So, I'd like to tell you 3 points you can improve for your software.

1- Edit Window Could you make an edit window during Prompt? Now if I find any incorrect content, I need to press Esc, try to find where location I need -> Anchor -> press Prompt It! again. If you have an Edit window, parallel with the Prompt window, and can edit immediately, That's perfect!.

2- Progress bar Could please make a small Redline on the bottom or right side to show the progress of the Prompt. For example, 0% (start Prompt) nothing to show on the bottom. 50% have haft Redline on the bottom 100% (complete Prompt) is full of Redline.

3- Scrolling effect when PGUP or DOWN Could you make a small float up or down effect when I press PGUP or PGDown button? That's easier for the presenter to know I'm quickly scrolling up or down.

You can refer to another prompter software, caller Power Prompter on MAC OS, that's the good software I used. There are my 3 suggestions I want to tell you. Hopefully they will make your software better in new version, I think 3.0 :D

Cuperino commented 3 years ago

Hello @hainguyen0112,

Thank you for your suggestions and your kind words. In the future, please author a separate report for each feature request you have, so that the reports can be used to track the progress of developing those features. Some of these features are on their way already, so let's keep using this report.

1- Edit Window Could you make an edit window during Prompt?

This is actually already possible in Imaginary Teleprompter since 2.2. It's not an obvious feature tho. What you must to do is enable only the External Prompter and disable the In-frame Prompter. This will leave the editor open and allow you to make changes, which will reflect on the prompter when you click on "Update It".

2- Progress bar Could please make a small Redline on the bottom or right side to show the progress of the Prompt.

I thought of using a traditional scrollbar as a progress indicator. What do you think of this idea? Would you prefer the progress indicator that fills up instead? If so, should there be no scroll-bar?

3- Scrolling effect when PGUP or DOWN Could you make a small float up or down effect when I press PGUP or PGDown button?

I really like this idea. Adding animation isn't as simple as it seems because those could get in the way of moving through the text fast enough, wasting valuable production time. A simple solution could be that if you leave a key pressed, you scroll in its direction at a constant but fast speed until you let go of this key. This is an archaic comparison, but it would work similar to rewinding or fast forwarding a tape while still reading from the play head. What do you think of this behavior?

hainguyen0112 commented 3 years ago

Dear Cuperino, Sorry because this first time I use Github. Next time I will separate these issues isolate.

1- Edit Window

I tried this function and it has done. But I think it should be parallel running, both edit window and External Prompter. Because if I have seen any error when prompting, I need to find which mistake part by scroll down. It takes more time when your software don't have Find tool. And Is there any solution if I have 2 external monitors? Could you make Add a prompter screen button to drag for each monitor?

2- Progress bar

I think using a traditional scrollbar as a progress indicator also OK. Any Progress Indicator is made sense.

3- Scrolling effect when PGUP or DOWN

Just my idea, if It takes a lot of time, I think we can close this Issue :)

And finally, I'd like to send you several pictures of Power Prompter sofware in MAC OS as a reference. Thanks in advance and cooperation. Add prompter window button Prompt and edit window run parallel Progress bar

Cuperino commented 3 years ago

Hello @hainguyen0112,

Thank you for taking your time and detailing these things.

Just so you know, Imaginary Teleprompter has search functionality built into the editor. It's not well integrated and clearly not evident. You need to click on the magnifying glass icon at the toolbar, because the traditional Control-F / Command-F shortcuts don't work.