ImagingDataCommons / idc-index-data

Python package providing the index to query and download data hosted by the NCI Imaging Data Commons
MIT License
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Create GitHub App called "ImagingDataCommons App" #6

Open jcfr opened 4 months ago

jcfr commented 4 months ago

To support creating authoring commits and pull-requests from GitHub workflow like bump-idc-index-data-version.yml discussed in, consider the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Click New GitHub App
  3. Enter the following details:

    GitHub App Name ImagingDataCommons App
    Description This ImagingDataCommons GitHub App supports the automation of commits and pull requests creation in GitHub workflow.
    Homepage URL
    Webhook Disable
    Where can this GitHub App be installed? Only on this account (default)
    Repository permmissions Contents set to "Read And Write", Metadata set to "Read-only", Pull requests set to "Read And Write"
    Organization permissions Members set to "Read only"
    Account permissions None

This will allow to leverage the actions/create-github-app-token^1 along with peter-evans/create-pull-request. For a similar example, see the workflow^3 we created in NA-MIC/ProjectWeek (it using tibdex/github-app-token now superseded by actions/create-github-app-token but that should be enough to move forward)

jcfr commented 4 months ago

Once the app is created:

  1. generate client secret (keep track of the value in your password manager/secure notes)
  2. create a private key (a file will be downloaded, also keep track of it in your password manager/secure notes)
  3. install the app following these instruction. See
  4. Add organization level^1 secrets and variables
    • IDC_APP_ID as a regular variable
    • IDC_APP_PRIVATE_KEY as a secret variable available only to idc-index-data