ImanKahlila / ProjectHunt

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29 user should be able to create a project specifying name skills skill level GitHub url and meeting times #53

Closed andrewquach-dev closed 1 year ago

andrewquach-dev commented 1 year ago

These changes are lacking the ability to add technologies used and organization because I think it'd be better to split it up because it might require more collaboration and work.

ThomasCarney315 commented 1 year ago

@ImanKahlila That's a pretty good idea. We can, of course, include the date of creation/start date and then some options for the 'phase of project' for example: [ Ideation, early, pre-MVP, Maintainance, conversion]. Something we could research.

andrewquach-dev commented 1 year ago

I have a few questions and suggestions before approving this merge. @andrewquach-dev

  1. Users may want/need to know if a project just started, is in progress, or finished so they can decide on if they can still join or if it's too late to join. What are your thoughts on that?
  2. Chelsey @Cheesely @chelseyfoster implemented drop-down categories on Figma file "Browse Projects" under the search bar for "difficulty", "time zone", "bootcamp", and "tech stack" I'm not sure if you were aware of that. So we'll need to code that also.
  1. I included the option for users to choose the project status upon project creation.
  2. Sure we can do that for the browse projects page
andrewquach-dev commented 1 year ago

Can you guys test things out and see if there are any errors? Also let me know if you are able to see a created project on your Mongodb

ImanKahlila commented 1 year ago

How do I test it out and how do I see if a project was created in my MongoDB? Lol @andrewquach-dev

I'll approve the merge after I do these things.

andrewquach-dev commented 1 year ago

How do I test it out and how do I see if a project was created in my MongoDB? Lol @andrewquach-dev

I'll approve the merge after I do these things.

To test it out, follow these steps:

ImanKahlila commented 1 year ago

I've already done the instructions in the file, so now how do I get the website running? Project Hunt website, right? @andrewquach-dev

andrewquach-dev commented 1 year ago

I've already done the instructions in the file, so now how do I get the website running? Project Hunt website, right? @andrewquach-dev

Go to http://localhost:{your port number}/ in your browser Replace {your port number} with the port number you set in the config file

ImanKahlila commented 1 year ago

@andrewquach-dev When I click on "Login" it says "Cannot GET /login"

And I'll know next time to test out everything while we're in the meeting, lol.

andrewquach-dev commented 1 year ago

@andrewquach-dev When I click on "Login" it says "Cannot GET /login"

And I'll know next time to test out everything while we're in the meeting, lol.

You're using an old version of ProjectHunt and it's probably not in the PR. Check out the PR using this command: image

ImanKahlila commented 1 year ago

It says "GraphQL: Could not resolve to a PullRequest with the number of 53. (repository.pullRequest)" @andrewquach-dev

andrewquach-dev commented 1 year ago

Try copying the branch name image

And then checking out the branch with this command: image

ImanKahlila commented 1 year ago

Do I type all of that in? or no? @andrewquach-dev

ImanKahlila commented 1 year ago

Wait, am I suppose to clone this repo and connect it to Git in order for all of this to work? @andrewquach-dev