I found this bug, and submitted this to the api@imgur.com.
It appears to be an issue within the website and how it parses the url, as it's replicated by copy and pasting the image url to the homepage and doesn't happen when you save the image and drag image.
I found this bug, and submitted this to the api@imgur.com.
It appears to be an issue within the website and how it parses the url, as it's replicated by copy and pasting the image url to the homepage and doesn't happen when you save the image and drag image.
The specific call I'm using within python: self.client.upload_from_url(url, config=None, anon=False) example url: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/50ae6cdfe4b09793f627a63b/t/5170a86ee4b09a3e33b049df/1366337647067/chicken+legs.jpg exception message from cli: imgurpython.helpers.error.ImgurClientError: (415) {'code': 1003, 'message': 'File type invalid (1)', 'type': 'ImgurException', 'exception': {}} Inline image 2