Immediate-Mode-UI / Nuklear

A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library
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Would be really nice if setup was easier and better documentation #204

Open FlogramMatt opened 4 years ago

FlogramMatt commented 4 years ago

How hard would it be to create a second library that has a few calls such as: nk_glfw_setup nk_glfw_start_loop nk_glfw_end_loop nk_glfw_destroy

As well as having instructions for how to install opengl, glew, and glfw

Or whatever the calls should be, would lead to much, much cleaner code and be easier to get started.

Finally, just simple documentation that examples every valid element and has a short example snippet of code that uses it.

I'm wading my way through it and still liking what I see but seriously, you'd get 3 times as many users overnight if this existed. None of the immediate mode gui's have this (Agar kind of does still not great) every one would turn to you if documentation was available.

FlogramMatt commented 4 years ago

These tutorials seem really nice so far: Setup with llvm and linux: Write a basic program: Multiple windows: Styling: Fonts: Animation: Keyboard input: Mouse input:

Sound is very quiet for some of these videos, you might also appreciate something like this that boosts the volume of tabs in Firefox:

Still would be nice to have all elements documented as well as something that doesn't require all the glfw setup and surrounding code, seems like it should be easy to hide most of it away.

Also, I would love a tutorial that helps set this up on Windows, love linux but would be nice to work in Windows where I have everything else running.

dumblob commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all those links and suggestions. I admit this is a recurring issue and we'd de finitely like to have it solved. We're though so busy with timely PR reviews and other projects, that we'll probably not get to documentation in the foreseeable future.

That said feel free to make a PR which we'll definitely try to merge. Or just edit the wiki (you'll get the needed permissions if needed) or make a video and we'll add the link etc. We welcome every collaborator!