Immediate-Mode-UI / Nuklear

A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library
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Widget in 3D space #657

Open devildevilson opened 3 months ago

devildevilson commented 3 months ago

Nuklear is wonderful gui. What can makes it more wonderful? The possibility to use it as info billboard on top of a unit. Is there a way? For example

6Ak1A (not my screenshot, found in the internet)

Is there a way to render text on top of theese guys using Nuklear? I beleve it is needed to pass some 3d matrix to every nuklear window and catch it in nk_convert... Something like that. How can I deal with it? PS: if its already answered, Im sorry - google gives nothing

RobLoach commented 3 months ago

Yes, you would likely apply a transform before rendering the contexts. Depends on which renderer you're using though.

devildevilson commented 2 months ago

Yep, Ill write my own renderer like no problem. I need to pass some additional info into the nuklear window. How to do it? I dont see how to pass userdata around window in nuklear

RobLoach commented 2 months ago

nk_set_user_data()? Make sure to define NK_INCLUDE_COMMAND_USERDATA.