ImmediateMurderProfessionals / HTS-The-Website

Welcome to the official H: The Series website, now on GitHub!
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Change this to say "unofficial" #1

Open onezpp opened 5 months ago

onezpp commented 5 months ago

I don't think a person who isn't allowed to be in H anymore would have authority over what the official website is

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 5 months ago

hexagon is also banned from h so his version is just as unofficial as mine also his version has 10x more spelling and grammar errors so no

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 3 months ago

"banned from h so his version is just as unofficial as mine" It doesn't change anything, because I created it first. Nothing can change that.

A ban can, in fact, change that.

Also, yours might get deleted soon because you're kinda sorta underage.

And remove the "BombCraft really is acting like a 7 to 10 year old now" from the 10/8/2023 H news; I acted like I was 13 then (because I was 13).

Also, y'know, I might actually play Portal.

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 2 months ago

"banned from h so his version is just as unofficial as mine" It doesn't change anything, because I created it first. Nothing can change that.

Also, your version of the H isotopic table is fake AF because of all the blatant scientific accuracies.

e.g. 12 stable odd-odd nuclides in just the first 20 elements alone (H-2, Gr-18, Gr-20, Gr-22, Dr-22, Dr-24, Hx-30, Z-34, S-40, C-40, C-44, and C-46), despite there being only 5 stable odd-odd nuclides in the ENTIRE irl periodic table (H-2, Li-6, B-10, N-14, and Ta-180m, although the last one is suspected to be radioactive with a long af half life). This is because IRL elements are more stable with even protons and/or even neutrons, and H elements should behave the same.

Also, I already made stable isotopes up to Bonuon (element 86):

Also, make Bombium-53 and 55 stable, please.

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 1 month ago

e.g. 12 stable odd-odd nuclides in just the first 20 elements alone (H-2, Gr-18, Gr-20, Gr-22, Dr-22, Dr-24, Hx-30, Z-34, S-40, C-40, C-44, and C-46), despite there being only 5 stable odd-odd nuclides in the ENTIRE irl periodic table (H-2, Li-6, B-10, N-14, and Ta-180m, although the last one is suspected to be radioactive with a long af half life).

That's almost half the joke - the only individual confirmed to know how the Heriodic table works is Tseil, yet nobody knows how it works because of a five-thousand year language barrier.

  1. Who the fuck is tseil
  2. You don't get to decide anything about the heriodic table. I know more about the IRL periodic table than anyone else in H, so I have the power to decide a lot of in what goes on in the heriodic table.
  3. Check the on my profile
  4. Bombium-53 and 55 are stable
  5. Whamium should be radioactive, according to 1234567890_owot
  6. I already made elements up to 138, so that makes Karum fake what I did in that drama wasn't significant enough to garner a spot in the periodic table. (Karum has been replaced with Nuine, an element named after N: The Series)
  7. Unsium is discovered now! It is the radioactive Cecilium, named after Cecil
  8. Similarly, Deludirium has been replaced with Waveium, an element named after H3447
  9. And Noncanium is replaced with Miltricubium, named after 1027
  10. And Kapaturium is replaced with Devinium, named after 2003Devin, a GD creator Blue and I both like. (Kapaturium is still an element, but it's an element in your alternate universe periodic table thing, which is also known as the Letternations/Weirdscratchrs (LN/WS) periodic table)
  11. And Immaturium, because it is based on the falsest claim in history, is replaced with Advium, named after #advyout.
  12. New rule: Bombium and Hexium must have the same number of stable isotopes (that number is 2)
  13. Fuck it, here's every single rule (this is from a fixed version of the Hisotopic table, which already has all the stable isotopes up to Scratchcatnium) Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 2 11 50 PM
Heriodic table

(Note: Nw is supposed to be (362) and Da is supposed to be (363), I forgor to change it after making the above image)

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 1 month ago

Shit there's a typo in the rules

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 1 month ago

Note: the rule about Element 371 is a theoretical. Only up to 138 has been discovered, 138 was discovered in Estelnolia on February 6, 2019, in the reaction (Sa-354+Li-30=Et-382+2n). Also, attempts to synthesize 139 are ongoing. However, we're working on a tactic to synthesize all the way up to around element 164. This tactic should be mastered by 2058. Additionally, another tactic to discover more-neutron rich isotopes of existing elements is being developed and should be mastered within two years

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 1 month ago

And you're also not replacing my H travel parts. Anyway time to go get creator points in GD!

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 1 month ago

I should swap Fardium and Amogium they’re right next to each other and their atomic symbols spell out a slur

ImmediateMurderProfessionals commented 1 month ago

e.g. 12 stable odd-odd nuclides in just the first 20 elements alone (H-2, Gr-18, Gr-20, Gr-22, Dr-22, Dr-24, Hx-30, Z-34, S-40, C-40, C-44, and C-46), despite there being only 5 stable odd-odd nuclides in the ENTIRE irl periodic table (H-2, Li-6, B-10, N-14, and Ta-180m, although the last one is suspected to be radioactive with a long af half life).

That's almost half the joke - the only individual confirmed to know how the Heriodic table works is Tseil, yet nobody knows how it works because of a five-thousand year language barrier.

Stop vandalizing Bombium, you have no say in MY element