ImpactDevelopment / ImpactIssues

Please use this repo to report bugs and request features
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1.18? #3334

Open GangstaPichu opened 2 years ago

GangstaPichu commented 2 years ago

Will Impact ever be updated past 1.16.5 or is that the latest it's gonna stay at? Would be interesting to see it work in some of the more later versions as well.

CesiumCs commented 2 years ago

hopes are yes, though we've come to a halt while the devs are busy doing silly things like having a real job or going to real school

WILLIAM8812 commented 2 years ago


CesiumCs commented 2 years ago


MyUsernamee commented 2 years ago


dtrasca commented 2 years ago

any forks or anything ?

CesiumCs commented 2 years ago

of a closed source program? probably not