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Tunneler #728

Closed PerryPeak closed 5 years ago

PerryPeak commented 5 years ago

I think you should add a tunneler module with an option of putting blocks behind you as you walk, it is gonna be like automine, autowalk and scaffold together but automine will only mine the blocks in front of you and you will have an option to hide your path by telling the client a block to put behind you. I think you should add this because it you be good for mining (except for the lava problem) and for making bases. For example, in 2b2t you will be able to turn left or right on a highway and turn it on for a few minutes/hours and you will have a place to make a base in.

SeasonalFerret commented 5 years ago

Maybe a simple option to disable placing blocks behind you, as well as a width/height/distance option for automating tunnels. Could possibly use #461.

Thunder33345 commented 5 years ago

could possibly use baritone too like a mine ahead also put blocks back command

SeasonalFerret commented 5 years ago

If the feature suggestion is to just tunnel forward and replace blocks, I'd suggest naming it in some sorts of a "trail hider".

Simply have Baritone place blocks back that it broke, and break blocks that it places.

Having an auto-tunneler would be nice for creating long tunnels in itself, though. Maybe we could place minecart tracks along the path to create a long track, then come back when you run out so that the user can restock.

leijurv commented 5 years ago

Baritone could Maybe do this. But it wouldn't be pretty LOL.

Maybe PathExecutor refers to a Baritone Setting for patching up the path behind it? Just when a traverse finishes, if the previous one was a traverse, and it's in the nether, and it has netherrack, it'll patch it up? Maybe it could refer to the cached chunk to see whether it was originally netherrack or if it's moving through a cave system? Could be fancy. IDK.

ghost commented 5 years ago

any updates on this feature? it would be useful to afk dig 1x2/2x2/3x3/5x5 tunnels

ThybeVB commented 5 years ago

This would be a great feature

matt4499 commented 5 years ago

please add. thanks.

EvilSourcerer commented 5 years ago

Yes I need(ed) this 2 months ago

leijurv commented 5 years ago

This is added with .b tunnel and .b backfill