ImpactDevelopment / ImpactIssues

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Suggestion: show mob owner #909

Closed douglasb78 closed 5 years ago

douglasb78 commented 5 years ago

What is your suggestion?

WWE Client has this feature, using .mobowner you can discover who tamed a wolf or a horse, for example. My suggestion is to add this feature to the Nametags module(an addition to this suggestion) or add a similar command to Impact.

Why is it useful?

It may help to find bases of specific players on 2b2t, since you can know the axis people travel. I made a draw of how it should work:

leijurv commented 5 years ago

The drawing alone makes this worth it.

Here it is embedded

leijurv commented 5 years ago

Added in 4.6

SpicyBigGithub commented 5 years ago


leijurv commented 5 years ago

yes that is because impact is private the link is for the benefit of bread man and leaf and i

SpicyBigGithub commented 5 years ago