Impactworkers / iw-complaint-manager

Impactworkers Complaint Manager
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Use Remix to initialize project (backend) #40

Open aparker-tw opened 1 month ago

aparker-tw commented 1 month ago


While setting up the frontend with Remix for #18 , we discovered that further tasks would need to be done to setup the backend using our own Express server using the quick start guide's Bring Your Own Server section rather than using Remix's built in remix-serve functionality, so that for our purposes we are able to see changes made in the backend of our app immediately reflected in our browser window.

User Story

As a developer I want to use React Refresh (Hot Module Replacement) and Remix Hot Data Revalidation So that I am able to see changes made in the backend of my app reflected immediately in my browser

Definition of Done

Acceptance Criteria

Given the Express server is setup When I make changes in the app's backend Then these changes are reflected in the browser, without needing to rebuild

justin-c-anthony commented 1 month ago

Questions for kick off:

Environment Setup

Project Structure

Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

Testing and Validation

justin-c-anthony commented 1 month ago

Notes from kick-off

add a server test for a dummy point

In the future - we want yarn test to run FE and BE tests

rd-huerta commented 1 month ago

This documentation seems relevant: How to edit your express server to use Vite's connect middleware

justin-c-anthony commented 4 weeks ago

This card has been archived as a result of the team's decision to migrate the app to the next.js framework.

Remix does not support HMR out of the box.