As a developer, I would like to have documentation I can refer to for helping me set up my local machine to run the Complaint Manger V2.
FYI readme is not the same as a wiki, readme is to set up the application
User story
When I visit the Readme page,
I should be able to see all of the relevant information for using and developing the Complaint Manager 2.0,
So that I can effectively understand and contribute to the code base
The Readme should include the following:
Project Title: A clear and concise title for the project.
Description: A brief overview of the application, its purpose, and key features.
Table of Contents: An index of the sections in the README to help users navigate quickly.
Badges: Include relevant badges (optional) that showcase project status (e.g., CI/CD integration, license), dependencies, or language.
Features: Briefly list the key functionalities of the application.
Usage: Detailed instructions on how to use the application after installation. This can include command-line instructions, examples, and screenshots.
Configuration: Instructions on how to configure the application, including environment variables and configuration files.
Deployment Instructions: Instructions on deploying the application to a production environment (beyond Heroku, if applicable).
License: Information about the project's license. This is essential for open-source projects.
Changelog: A log of all changes made in each version of the application. This helps users understand the evolution of the project and any new features or bug fixes.
Contributing Guidelines: Clear instructions for those who want to contribute code, including code style guide, testing expectations, and pull request process.
FAQs: A section for frequently asked questions that can help users troubleshoot common issues without needing to contact support.
Contact Information: Provide ways for users to reach out for help or report issues (email address, GitHub Discussions, etc.).
Acknowledgements: Credits to contributors, third-party libraries, or any other resources that were helpful in the development of the application.
As a developer, I would like to have documentation I can refer to for helping me set up my local machine to run the Complaint Manger V2.
FYI readme is not the same as a wiki, readme is to set up the application
User story
When I visit the Readme page, I should be able to see all of the relevant information for using and developing the Complaint Manager 2.0, So that I can effectively understand and contribute to the code base
The Readme should include the following:
Project Title: A clear and concise title for the project.
Description: A brief overview of the application, its purpose, and key features.
Table of Contents: An index of the sections in the README to help users navigate quickly.
Badges: Include relevant badges (optional) that showcase project status (e.g., CI/CD integration, license), dependencies, or language.
Features: Briefly list the key functionalities of the application.
Usage: Detailed instructions on how to use the application after installation. This can include command-line instructions, examples, and screenshots.
Configuration: Instructions on how to configure the application, including environment variables and configuration files.
Deployment Instructions: Instructions on deploying the application to a production environment (beyond Heroku, if applicable).
License: Information about the project's license. This is essential for open-source projects.
Changelog: A log of all changes made in each version of the application. This helps users understand the evolution of the project and any new features or bug fixes.
Contributing Guidelines: Clear instructions for those who want to contribute code, including code style guide, testing expectations, and pull request process.
FAQs: A section for frequently asked questions that can help users troubleshoot common issues without needing to contact support.
Contact Information: Provide ways for users to reach out for help or report issues (email address, GitHub Discussions, etc.).
Acknowledgements: Credits to contributors, third-party libraries, or any other resources that were helpful in the development of the application.