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Impactworkers Complaint Manager
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Optimize CircleCI pipeline with SonarQube and coverage reports #47

Open rnair-tw opened 1 month ago

rnair-tw commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a developer, I want to optimize the CI/CD pipeline in CircleCI So that build times are minimized and SonarQube analysis is accurate and efficient

Definition of Done

The CI/CD pipeline in CircleCI is updated to include effective caching mechanisms for Node.js dependencies, ensuring reduced build times.

Individual lcov coverage reports are aggregated into a single file before SonarQube analysis, ensuring comprehensive coverage data. Successful implementation is verified through automated tests, peer review, and deployment in a staging environment.

Documentation is updated to reflect these changes, and the pipeline's performance is monitored to ensure ongoing efficiency and accuracy.

The process adheres to organizational standards and best practices for CI/CD and SonarQube integration.

Acceptance Criteria

Given the CI/CD pipeline in CircleCI, When SonarQube scans are run, Then caching is used effectively to optimize build times for Node.js dependencies.

Given individual line coverage coverage reports, When the CI process runs, Then these reports are combined into a single lcov file before SonarQube analysis.


rnair-tw commented 1 month ago

blocked by #19