Impactworkers / iw-complaint-manager

Impactworkers Complaint Manager
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Create case - search for person in custody or known complainant #53

Open rnair-tw opened 6 months ago

rnair-tw commented 6 months ago

User Story

As a user, I want to click on an individual complaint and edit its details, So that I can update or correct information as needed.

Business Context:

The ability to edit complaint details ensures that information remains accurate and up-to-date. This feature is critical for maintaining the integrity of complaint records and effective case management.

In Scope

  1. UI for viewing and editing complaint details
  2. Validation of changes before saving.
  3. Audit trail for changes made to complaint details.

Out of Scope

Open Questions

  1. Do we need versioning of complaint records?


Acceptance Criteria

  1. Scenario: Edit Complaint Details Given a logged-in user, When they click on a complaint, Then they should be able to view and edit the complaint details.

  2. Scenario: Save Edited Complaint Given a logged-in user, When they edit a complaint and save the changes, Then the updated details should be saved and reflected in the system.



