As a UI/UX designer,
I want to set up design tokens and styles in Storybook before UI development begins
So that the user interface is consistent and adheres to our design guidelines.
Establishment of a style guide in Storybook that includes components and their usage.
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am a developer
When I start designing the UI
Then I should see predefined design tokens in Storybook
Given I am a developer
When there are changes or updates to the design tokens
Then these changes should be communicated, documented, and reflected in the style guide and codebase
User Story
As a UI/UX designer, I want to set up design tokens and styles in Storybook before UI development begins So that the user interface is consistent and adheres to our design guidelines.
Definition of Done
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am a developer When I start designing the UI Then I should see predefined design tokens in Storybook
Given I am a developer When there are changes or updates to the design tokens Then these changes should be communicated, documented, and reflected in the style guide and codebase
Tech Notes