Impactworkers / iw-complaint-manager

Impactworkers Complaint Manager
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Create cases page with table (table functionality) #62

Open rnair-tw opened 1 month ago

rnair-tw commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a user I want to see an "all cases" table view that lists out all the complaints and relevant fields So that I can have a comprehensive view of all complaints in the system

Business Context:

Having a comprehensive view of all complaints allows users to track and manage issues efficiently. It improves transparency and helps in prioritizing and addressing complaints systematically.

In Scope

  1. Pagination and sorting functionality
  2. Filtering options (e.g. basic search)
  3. Show/hide columns (need to ensure that case ID always shows)

Note: Please use OOO functionalities for

Out of Scope

Open Questions

  1. Can we use dummy data that it organization-specific? E.g. New Orleans, Hawaii and Impactworkers?


Acceptance Criteria

  1. Scenario: Filter Complaints Given a logged-in user, When they filter fields using a specific query, Then they should see a list of all complaints with relevant fields displayed.

  2. Scenario: Paginate Complaints Given a logged-in user, When there are more complaints than can be displayed on one page, Then the system should provide pagination controls to navigate through the list.



