Impedimenta / Suitcase

A flexible command line tool for instantly deploying user interfaces for simple commands and scripts.
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Pre-made Common Window Styles (and possible Zenity/Yad cross-compatibility) #23

Open PicoMitchell opened 4 years ago

PicoMitchell commented 4 years ago

Alright, first off I'm writing this because Suitcase looks totally awesome and immediately has me excited with its possibilities. Now, I know this may be a bit different or out of the scope of what you're trying to achieve with this project, but this awesome concept immediately reminded me of Zenity/Yad for Linux. Are you aware of these projects? I wouldn't be surprised if they were an inspiration for this. Zenity: Yad:

At first glance it looks like Suitcase's focus is to allow very free form and advanced window creation functionality, which is amazing! But I'm thinking it could be very cool to have some more simplified, pre-made window style options as well as pre-made components like Zenity and Yad have. Such as, quick ways of making GUI Alerts, Dialogs, multi-column lists, date pickers, etc. I know that a bit of this can be done with AppleScript via osascript from the command line, but having a SwiftUI native option into the future would be very cool (who knows how long AppleScript will really be supported, and the functionality of Suitcase already kicks it's ass in terms of creating advanced custom windows on the the fly).

I'm also thinking that there could be some very cool value to actually copying Zenity/Yads exact command structure (in addition to the existing advanced options). While this may sound like a boring shortcut, it could be incredibly cool to be able to write cross platform bash scripts which intelligently call either Suitcase or Zenity/Yad and then can use all the same exact arguments to make the exact same alerts/dialogs/advanced windows for macOS or Linux.

Is any of this sort of thing something you've thought about or are interested in?

ncruces commented 3 years ago

For a "port" the zenity command for macOS and Windows, see: