Open urielcaire opened 7 years ago
Can you share your Frame
@karthikprasad13 off course!!
// .... javax and java imports....
@Table(name = "Frame", schema = "KunderaExamples@cassandra_pu")
public class Frame {
private long keyFrame;
private List<Integer> r = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Integer> g = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Integer> b = new ArrayList<>();
private byte[] d;
private Video video;
@OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "keyFrame")
@Column(name = "humanpose")
private List<HumanPose> humanpose = new ArrayList<HumanPose>();
public Frame(long keyFrame, List<Integer> r, List<Integer> g, List<Integer> b, byte[] d) {
this.keyFrame = keyFrame;
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.d = d;
public Frame(long keyFrame){
this.keyFrame = keyFrame;
public Frame(){
//...getters and setters...
public List<HumanPose> getHumanpose() {
return humanpose;
public void addHumanPose(HumanPose humanpose) {
public void setHumanPose(List<HumanPose> humanPoses) {
this.humanpose = humanPoses;
Obs: My persistence.xml file is setup to create.
there are 307200 items in each List
Hello! I'm having a problem with Cassandra and Kundera. I need to persist a Frame object with arrays to R, G, and B, but I'm having a 'ERROR c.i.c.c.CassandraClientBase - Error while executing query' and then a 'com.impetus.kundera.KunderaException: TimedOutException ()'. The Frame object loads well into memory, but when the data is going to be persisted the terminal shows the first error with the Query, and on final I have TimedOutException. I believe it is something related to the amount of data, because if only the array of R (or one of others) is inserted into the Frame object, nothing is listed in the terminal no error is displayed and the data is written correctly. OBS: my logback.xml just show ERRORS and my show.query is set to false.
my DAO class
Java 8 Kundera 3.7 Cassandra 2.2.9 CQL 3.3.1 MAVEN 3.3.9