GUIslice drag & drop embedded GUI in C for touchscreen TFT on Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ARM, ESP8266 / ESP32 / M5stack using Adafruit-GFX / TFT_eSPI / UTFT / SDL
Originally posted by **claudchtiscali** November 5, 2022
I'm trying to update the text of a dynamic text field created in GUISlice Builder.
If I set the MAX length for the text to update to 0 the code displays the GUI but does not update the text element on the GUI (of course) but setting the length to any number the CPU crashes with the following message :
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadStoreError). Exception was unhandled.
Core 1 register dump:
PC : 0x400d1859 PS : 0x00060c30 A0 : 0x800d196e A1 : 0x3ffb27a0
A2 : 0x3f40017e A3 : 0x3f400267 A4 : 0x00000005 A5 : 0x3ffc1b30
A6 : 0x00000000 A7 : 0x3f40017e A8 : 0x00000031 A9 : 0x3ffb2780
A10 : 0x00000003 A11 : 0x00000001 A12 : 0x0000000a A13 : 0x00000001
A14 : 0x00ff0000 A15 : 0xff000000 SAR : 0x00000004 EXCCAUSE: 0x00000003
EXCVADDR: 0x3f40017e LBEG : 0x40086225 LEND : 0x40086235 LCOUNT : 0xfffffffa
Backtrace:0x400d1856:0x3ffb27a00x400d196b:0x3ffb27d0 0x400d1a2c:0x3ffb2800 0x400dadb9:0x3ffb2820
I'm using a ESP32 with ILI9341
I've ran a little debugging and I found that the problem is in the strncpy () in the gslc_StrCopy() called by gslc_ElemSetTxtStr
TO my opinion it's an issue for ESP32, as a matter of fact if I compile for Arduino Mega it works perfectly.
Could someone help me ... ?
Thanks in advance.
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