ImpulseRC / OSD

ImpulseOSD - Official Documentation
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Complete reset on every pack after changing tune settings (BF) #64

Closed udyux closed 4 years ago

udyux commented 4 years ago

I've got the ApexOSD + regulator with a Holybro Kakute F7 V1.5 running BetaFlight 4.1. VTx is a Unify Pro V3 and cam is a Falkor 2. Been flying the setup since beginning of April with no issue.

Went out to fly after changing some stuff in my tune and started with a hot motor check. They were a little warmer than I'd have liked so I used the OSD tuning menu for the first time. I brought down my D term a few points and added a bit more D filtering. Flew the rest of the pack as usual.

When I plugged back in the SmartAudio kept making its usual racket for much longer than before until I got a message saying no connection to FC. I power-cycled and same thing until the OSD popped up but seemed to have been reset. Went into the menu to check the settings and hit Save and Exit it just said something like "Connection lost to FC 4"

Another power-cycle got the OSD back and I was at least able to set the VTx armed power. Flew two more packs and things work but when it's turned back on I have the set everything again.

In the meantime I'm going to see if the App Store download issue has been fixed and flash the firmware as I haven't been able to update it since I got the OSD board.


udyux commented 4 years ago

Didn't really check the closed issues first. My bad. Will try downloading the Mac firmware flasher to see if I can flash to fix the issue.