ImranR98 / Obtainium

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Add an option to change the installer #1634

Closed I21b closed 1 month ago

I21b commented 1 month ago

Describe the feature Just like the title.

Additional context Use other installer with "open with" menu and set it to default.

ImranR98 commented 1 month ago

This has been discussed before. There's no Flutter plugin I know of that allows you to install apps through the "open with" menu while waiting for and returning the install result - they all do the installs asynchronously and do not return a pass/fail/cancel result. Given that there's a lot of functionality built around the assumptions that installs are synchronous, this isn't going to be implemented (unless that changes).

I21b commented 1 month ago

This has been discussed before. There's no Flutter plugin I know of that allows you to install apps through the "open with" menu while waiting for and returning the install result - they all do the installs asynchronously and do not return a pass/fail/cancel result. Given that there's a lot of functionality built around the assumptions that installs are synchronous, this isn't going to be implemented (unless that changes).

Just add an option that lets us open the apk?