ImranR98 / Obtainium

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Give the abiltiy to update the URL of an already added app. #1645

Open DwainZwerg opened 1 month ago

DwainZwerg commented 1 month ago


Describe the feature

If the URL of an app source changes, you currently have to delete the app entry and create a completely new one because you cannot change the URL in the app detail list under "Additional options". It would therefore be good if you could also adjust the URL of an app in the additional options.

Describe alternatives you've considered (if applicable)

Still delete the old entry and create a new one.

Additional context

ImranR98 commented 1 month ago

The issue is that changing the URL might also change the source, in which case a completely different set of additional options would have to be used. The complexity of doing that migration correctly + the added UI makes it not worth it imo.

DwainZwerg commented 1 month ago

The issue is that changing the URL might also change the source, in which case a completely different set of additional options would have to be used. The complexity of doing that migration correctly.

That is and was clear to me. However, if the URL of a third party FDroid repo changes (as was the case with some repo in a time before Obtainium), you would have to delete all those apps and re-add them in the same configuration, which is time consuming. If the URL of any HTML source changes (due to a changed application name), you have to delete the whole app instead of just changing the URL and keeping most/all other configurations.

ImranR98 commented 1 month ago

I guess something could be added that lets you change the url as long as the source is fixed.