ImranR98 / Obtainium

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kde store support #1647

Open kaorlol opened 1 month ago

kaorlol commented 1 month ago

Support for kde store

  1. It is not already possible to use the HTML Source for your purposes. I tried but its not
  2. It must be possible to extract the following details from the Source in a reliable way:
    • The App version (or any release-specific identifier - a "pseudo-version") for the latest release yes
    • One or more APK URL(s) for the latest release yes
    • Above details for previous releases (optional) I think

Describe alternatives you've considered (if applicable)

Test it if possible with

kaorlol commented 1 month ago

For your help ive found a way to get the files from an app on there:

1515346 is the page id so that shouldnt ever change

kaorlol commented 1 month ago

it does give direct download link in the json somewhere

kaorlol commented 1 month ago


The first one is always the latest

kaorlol commented 2 weeks ago

@ImranR98 i noticed that the latest version might not be always the first one in the json, i think it would be a good idea to get the highest version

moonvixen commented 5 days ago

Anyone figured out the rule for this? I've ironically just gone to see if anybody's tried KDE Store stuff and it seems you want to update the exact same app I do!

Edit: - Looks like the download link is held in an iframe. Here's an example: /dl?file_id=1718037148&file_type=application/zip&file_name=35.1.3-universal.apk&file_size=399661015&has_torrent=0&project_id=1515346&link_type=download&is_external=false&external_link=null

Not all of them appear necessary so something like "" should still work, albeit I'm not sure how FILE ID would work. I don't think it's actually "higher is newer"?