ImranR98 / Obtainium

Get Android app updates straight from the source.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] App already added #1661

Closed ngocanhtve closed 2 weeks ago

ngocanhtve commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug When an app has been previously imported using a json file but not installed, Then add the link to the Add page for manual installation, Obtainium announces that the app already added instead of proceeding with the installation.

To Reproduce

  1. Import apps from json file
  2. Add a link (duplicates one of the imported apps) from Add page

Screenshots and Logs

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Additional context Even though the app already added, but not yet installed, the user is installing it manually, Obtainium should install it instead of refusing to install just because a link was previously imported but not installed.

ImranR98 commented 2 weeks ago

This is intended behaviour - the 'Add' page is for adding a new app that isn't already on the list. If you want to install an existing app, you can use the install button on the main list page or the app's details page.

ngocanhtve commented 2 weeks ago

It's really illogical