ImranR98 / Obtainium

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Handshake error in client with "Conversations" App (Codeberg) #1663

Open Sami32 opened 2 weeks ago

Sami32 commented 2 weeks ago

An Handshake error is displayed for the first time (i mean that until yesterday it worked without error) for the Conversations application from the Codeberg Git repo.

To Reproduce

  1. Open Obtainium and leave it auto-update Conversations application in track-only mode
  2. A Handshake error is displayed

Screenshots and Logs IMG_20240610_120230

Please complete the following information:

Additional context Only this link seem to recently (today) give this error:

ImranR98 commented 2 weeks ago

Could you check if accessing that page works from your browser? Also could you check if the date/time settings on your phone are accurate?

Sami32 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, date & time are set correctly on my smartphone, but as i said ONLY Conversations App is affected; that's said, it is the only one that i've using a Codeberg repo.

Yes, this Webpages display fine for me.

I should add that Obtainium overlay this error on the Conversations App page.

Codeberg only?

Sami32 commented 1 week ago

After having deleted this App from Obtainium it cannot be added anymore (Obtainium v. 1.1.11):


DarkCrypt commented 4 hours ago

After having deleted this App from Obtainium it cannot be added anymore (Obtainium v. 1.1.11)

Added app as track-only with v1.1.12.