ImranR98 / Obtainium

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PathAccessException #1668

Closed Sami32 closed 2 weeks ago

Sami32 commented 2 weeks ago

When trying to "Download release asset" for the already manually installed Silence App i get a PathAccessException error.

To Reproduce

  1. Add the Silent App to Otainium:
  2. Tap on it
  3. Then click on "Download release asset"
  4. See error --> PathAccessException

Screenshots and Logs IMG_20240612_133551


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kaorlol commented 2 weeks ago

got this too when installing asset from Nova Launcher

ImranR98 commented 2 weeks ago

This may be an issue with Xiaomi's Android skin because it works fine on my Android 7.0 emulator (there have been other issues with MIUI, for example APK installation).

Could you check that Obtainium has storage access permissions? Also does this happen with all apps or only this one? Also if there is already a .part file in /Download you can try deleting it.

Sami32 commented 2 weeks ago was correct, i didn't have the Storage permission for Obtainium. I never tried to download asset before and forgot to set it for this use case 8~