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Fail to pick the date from Kiwi browser GitHub release #1684

Closed Sami32 closed 1 week ago

Sami32 commented 1 week ago

No change date displayed for the Kwi browser App from its GitHub release repository.

But the date is provided by the GitHub API. Probably a parsing issue.

To Reproduce

  1. Add App '"
  2. See the 'change' text displayed under the version, instead of a date

Screenshots and Logs IMG_20240619_223307

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ImranR98 commented 1 week ago

This was already covered in #1664. "Track-only" github apps use the tags API, which doesn't provide dates.

ImranR98 commented 1 week ago

Actually it does use the releases API when releases are available, but falls back to the tags API otherwise. In the case of Kiwi browser, no releases are available (except pre-releases but I assume you have not included those). If you include pre-releases, you should see dates for those.

Sami32 commented 1 week ago bad, i missed the pre-releases setting 8~

Thank you +1