ImranR98 / Obtainium

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Request headers ignored for direct apk link #1688

Closed 1RandomDev closed 6 hours ago

1RandomDev commented 5 days ago

I'm trying to add an app from a private repository that requires HTTP basic authentication via the direct apk link option. I entered the source URL and changed the source type to direct apk link. As request header I added Authorization: Basic <base64>. When I now click on add, none of the specified headers are sent to the server and I get an Unauthorized error at the bottom.

I tried many things with a test server and not even the default User-Agent header is added to the request. As user agent Dart/3.4 (dart:io) is used all the time and all other custom headers are completely missing.

Using Obtanium version 1.1.11

ImranR98 commented 6 hours ago

It should be fixed, we can reopen the issue if there are still problems: