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Suggestion: specify font-family in css #67

Closed Mikaela closed 3 months ago

Mikaela commented 3 months ago

I don't know how it works together with which seems to have a variable for it, but I would suggest either of these two:

I think they should handle all the major operating systems especially with the last fallback. Liberation is commonly installed on Linux and is the default font family of LibreOffice with same sizes as Arial/Times…, Arimo/Tinos are similiarly metrically compatible with them (part of ChromeOS core fonts) while the last will just pick something if no font is available (that tends to be the case with Android or mobile devices in general).

Sans-serif is commonly said to be more readable, but serif has more distinguishable I/l.

Of course, maybe "Liberation Mono", "Cousine", "Courier New", monospace; with the same metrical compatibilities would be more thematically appropiate with how Obtainium may be a bit more likely to be used by a technical user than a not-so-technical-user?

This issue occurred to me due to the "side-discussion" at on my JavaScript console warning a lot about blocked fonts.

Mikaela commented 3 months ago

Reading the documentation, it doesn't look that hard. Expect a PR soon.