Imroy / pubsubclient

A client library for the ESP8266 that provides support for MQTT
MIT License
433 stars 115 forks source link - retain vs write API (weird persistance, possible to add) - not a bug I think #96

Open christianruppert opened 1 year ago

christianruppert commented 1 year ago

Hi, first of all thanks for this awesome library. I have a small issue with a "custom" API, namely:

Background: They offer a quite nice MQTT with a solid free tier and some ability to "persist" messages. But as far as I understand it they are not using the official "retain" flag - but a separate API (god knows why, I asked their support and will update here if I hear back).

They also have something called "Rules" - which would allow me to take one topic and on publish WRITE it to another topic - kind of getting what I want, but a bit ugly (they dont support listen to publish and then write to same channel, would cause loop).

It seems like only the URL is different for persistence (see e.g. here:

And finally a link to their arduino sample (where they only use simple publish) - which works:

So the main question would be "is it possible to support their API" - maybe by a fork. Sadly my C sucks (Kotlin, mobile world) - otherwise I would give it a try. I will post in their repo as well and cross link it, if others have the same issue.

So not really a bug, just a pitfall due to custom API, I guess.


PS: Link to related topic: