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Presentation on AI-informed Data-Driven Decisions (Previously Sales / Lead Generation) #52

Open pratik-IDWT opened 12 months ago

pratik-IDWT commented 12 months ago

I've been researching some methods on how to generate leads and how to phrase items.

Making this ticket to have one place to store some links/quotes/ideas until they are more mature/refined.

pratik-IDWT commented 12 months ago

What will make people engage?

Need to be seen to solve their problems and engage with something meaningful.....immediately selling might not be the best approach but having a common theme they can discuss, engage and collaborate on will be ideal

Initial Ideas

Have workflows you can't make sense of?

Have financials you can't reconcile without manual pain?

Have sales pipelines you can't get visibility on?

Links for Future Referenc

pratik-IDWT commented 12 months ago

Benefits based other data founder

nelsonic commented 12 months ago

I know you’re totally on the case with this and you have a lot on for the next few weeks. 👶⏳ But if I can make a suggestion: Prepare a 20 min (20-40 slide) presentation + quick demo that you can give to the full stack engineers @foundersandcoders Suggested title of the talk: “How AI-informed Data-Driven Decisions Can Help Build the Right Product For Your Customers”

F&C will help you record the talk with good camera quality (any recent iPhone), lighting and audio.

It’s a win-win & keep on winning. Because you introduce the grads of F&C to Data Science, a field/career where they can apply their skills. They are all fluent in at least 2 programming languages so they will all understand any level of technical detail you go into.

Reach out to @sofer on LinkedIn and explain that you will be recruiting a Data Engineer soon and want to test your presentation on a technical audience.

once you have the recording of the presentation, upload it to YT. Share it with me and I will help you refine it. And/or if you want to run through it with me on Zoom before you deliver it in-person v. happy to help refine/polish.

Once you have a polished version of the presentation, put it front and center on your website. Nothing converts as well as high quality video. It shows the execs/decision makers that you you are articulate, technically competent and personable. Not just a pretty face. 😜

you can then promote the video on LinkedIn and other channels as your “calling card”. Again, happy to help with every stage of production on this whenever you’re ready. 👌

but no pressure if you think it’s “not for you” or not the route you want to take for promoting your biz.

pratik-IDWT commented 11 months ago

Thanks @nelsonic for the comment. Great idea and a focused video explaining why something like the following will help a lot - Data-Driven Decisions being front and centre will help build a product your customers will love and keep coming back for.

Weirdly I am not getting push notifications on tags on github so just saw it last night. Will add this to the to-do and think through what I want to talk about.

pratik-IDWT commented 11 months ago

Leaving for reference in my sleep deprived state.....

pratik-IDWT commented 9 months ago

First post following little man's well as thinking of the slide deck, I have very specific problems solved for finance (controls), operations (workflow management), customer conversion.

Each of these can be worked into the deck/presentation as well as direct outreach to relevant people for individuals I can reach out to

pratik-IDWT commented 8 months ago

Update - Jan 2024

New year, new progress, all is settled with the little bundle of baby Joy and switching some focus back to work and the company - Will focus on the slide deck as suggested by @nelsonic and I can weave in some nuggets/examples into it.

Will share the draft document when ready and would appreciate some early feedback from yourself @nelsonic in a few weeks. Better to get it early and iterate sooner rather than later!

pratik-IDWT commented 8 months ago

Initial Thoughts - How AI-informed Data-Driven Decisions Can Help Build the Right Product For Your Customers

Our Story

I have seen data problems handled far too long by competitors as a data only problem, where as the reality is to unlock your data the resources need the experience to work horizontally across an organisation. This is what In Data We Trust was founded to help with! We like working on complex business and data challenges to make a tangible change.

Why focus on Data and AI

In 2024 being able to utilise data and and emerging AI technologies to fine tune your product offering is differentiating companies against their competitors.

This is a widely accepted statement however successfully doing is not straight forward. To do this you need within your businesss to understand the user journey, how information is generated, where it is stored and how to use this to create a product your customers love. Not having a clear understanding of the above will lead to growth and customer needs not being understood.

Some Examples for how Data and AI have been used by us to make a transformational change previously

Improving customer conversion

Doubled customer conversion by identified one intermittent bug after seeing the evidence in the data Story - Problem statement? What we did?

Improving your workflows and visibility to increase customer experience?

A previous client didn't have clear visibility of their lending workflow after volumes increased

Understanding with partners are bringing you high value customers

Worked with a previous client to understand their sales process and break down which partners are bringing high value customers and which were bringing low value customers

A/B Testing in production to iterate on design ideas

A previous client was testing copy changes and layout changes to improve customer conversion. Through having two designs, A/B Testing always and comparing data, we were able to test which returned a better conversion value. And removed a lot of Opinions/debates from the cycle

How do you use Data and AI to solve them on a detailed business and technical level?

What Does the above actually mean?

Why we don't suggest a one approach

The above is complicated and you will have different levels of maturity across the process. So we need to understand that as-is, gaps in knowledge and build an incremental plan from there.


It is complicated - horizontally and vertically working Technical understanding and business understand need to go hand in hand for a successful data driven outcome Same approach won't work at all companies each company will have different user journey, different bottlenecks and different things to learn Need to stay inquisitive and factually based We've been there and worked through these

What problems am I solving? (Sales pitch)

COO - Do you have clear visibility on operational bottlenecks before they become one? Small investment can help you stay ahead of the game and save on customer dissatisfaction and employee burnout CPO - Do you know if your product changes are helping your customer conversion? A small investment can help you monitor this CFO - Are you able to pull trusted extracts, for month end, quarer end and year end recs without your senior staff spending the majority of hours correcting? IF not - we have implemented this before for Banks, get in touch to save your team time and get them focused on value add work CFO - Are your FP&A team able to trust and utilise data to plan and forecast? If not, get in touch - this should be an easy request CCO - Are you able to identify the business partners that bring you revenue? CEO - Are you able to understand the challenges across your business?

pratik-IDWT commented 8 months ago

Plan of Attack to Progress

pratik-IDWT commented 8 months ago


I have made a draft story board slice deck, focusing on what I want my buyers to read and focusing on Impact/benefits

Story board Presentation

Initial draft has been made of story board presentation and a transcript summarised by ChatGPT for efficiency gains.

The Chat GPT summarised Transcript

The headlines for each slide are below - they are very vanilla so I need to only use them for now

Slide 1: Introduction "Welcome everyone to this presentation titled 'How AI-Informed Data-Driven Decisions Can Help Build the Right Product for Your Customers.' I aim to demystify what this means and how it can be applied practically in your business."

Slide 2: The Need for Data and AI in 2024 "In 2024, the consensus is that organizations must leverage data and AI to stay ahead. It's about more than just adopting new technologies; it's about integrating them into your business model. Understanding your customers' and internal operational journeys is crucial. We'll look at how data storage, sorting, and field organization play a vital role in this process."

Slide 3: The Complexity of Data Utilization "Unlocking the potential of data and AI is not straightforward. It requires a deep understanding of your user and internal processes. A lack of clarity in this area can lead to suboptimal growth and a poor understanding of customer needs. We'll discuss the importance of focusing on customer acquisition and daily and monthly usage metrics to truly understand and serve your customer base."

Slide 4: Our Story - In Data We Trust "At In Data We Trust, we've seen data problems handled incorrectly by various consultancies. We believe in a holistic approach, tackling data issues across your organization, not just at a technological level. Our decade-long experience has shown us the importance of an integrated approach across customer journeys, internal operations, and technology."

Slide 5: Reasons to Connect "If your organization suffers from inconsistent data, unclear customer insights, or inefficient workflows, these are signs that your data strategy might need a revamp. Disparate numbers and a lack of trust in data can impede your decision-making abilities. We specialize in rectifying these issues, ensuring you have reliable data to base your decisions on."

Slide 6: Impactful Data and AI Applications "We've helped clients double their customer conversion rates, streamline workflow management, and improve customer satisfaction and experience. Our approach involves identifying which business partners bring high-value customers and which do not, allowing for more efficient partnership management. We've also implemented AB testing in production environments to gauge the effectiveness of UX and copy changes."

Slide 7: Case Study - Boosting Customer Conversion "We tackled a scenario where a client was losing 50% of customers at the T&C stage of an application process. By diving deep into the data and challenging assumptions, we identified and resolved an intermittent bug, leading to a jump in conversion rates from 50% to 95%. This case highlights the importance of data analysis in problem-solving and decision-making."

Slide 8: Workflow Management Enhancement "Our collaboration with a commercial mortgage company involved analyzing their application process and identifying bottlenecks. By mapping out processes and exposing key information, we enabled teams to manage their workload more effectively, reducing stress and improving service delivery."

Slide 9: Identifying Valuable Business Partners "Working with a bank that relied on brokers for business, we analyzed which partners were bringing in high-value customers. This data-driven approach enabled the bank to focus on fruitful partnerships, optimizing resource allocation and contributing to growth."

Slide 10: AB Testing in Production "We've assisted organizations in implementing AB testing for their onboarding processes. This approach allowed them to make informed decisions on copy and UX changes, directly impacting customer conversion and acquisition."

Slide 11: Understanding the User Journey "Deeply understanding the user journey and how it translates into data is essential. This involves collaboration across your organization, including business analysts, product owners, and engineers. We spend 90% of our time in this detective-like work, ensuring the information we produce is accurate and actionable."

Slide 12: Practical Application of Data "Turning complex data into understandable and actionable insights is our forte. We'll discuss how we make sense of ambiguous data, translating it into clear insights for strategic decision-making."

Slide 13: Customized Approaches for Different Companies "Each company's data journey is unique. We tailor our approach to match your organization's specific needs and maturity levels, by focusing on making tangible, incremental progress. We'll explore how we adapt our strategies to different levels of organizational maturity, from discovery mode to more advanced data management techniques."

Slide 14: Summary "Data challenges require a unique blend of horizontal and vertical thinking. Our experience has taught us that a small, focused team can often solve the most complex problems more effectively than a larger group. We emphasize communication and collaboration across your organization to ensure comprehensive solutions. Our goal is to work with you to solve data challenges and make impactful decisions, not just provide quick fixes. Let's connect and see how we can tackle your data challenges together."

Next Steps

Finesse the story board presentation into meaningful content, then use an AI tool to format and apply some magic to.

pratik-IDWT commented 7 months ago

Renamed this ticket to reflect it has now changed to a presentation.