In-For-Disaster-Analytics / cookbooks-ui
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If the job is successful, send the URL of the notebook. #12

Closed mosoriob closed 4 months ago

mosoriob commented 6 months ago

🚀 Feature Request

If the job is successful, send the URL of the notebook.

mosoriob commented 6 months ago



Introduction to Abaco What is Abaco Abaco is an NSF-funded web service and distributed computing platform providing functions-as-a-service (FaaS) to the research computing community. Abaco implements functions using the Actor Model of concurrent computation. In Abaco, each actor is associated with a Docker image, and actor containers are executed in response to messages posted to their inbox which itself is given by a URI exposed over HTTP.


In the context of Tapis, a webhook is a URL that you give to Tapis in advance of an event which it later POSTs a response to when that event occurs. A webhook can be any web accessible URL.

It requires add the webhook server on the app

# Webhook callback url for job ready notification.
# Notification is sent to _INTERACTIVE_WEBHOOK_URL, e.g.
curl -k --data "event_type=WEB&address=${JUPYTER_URL}&owner=${AGAVE_JOB_OWNER}&job_uuid=${AGAVE_JOB_ID}" $INTERACTIVE_WEBHOOK_URL &
mosoriob commented 6 months ago

Useful code