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EN 15804+A2 chapter RSL #14

Open RobertSpang opened 5 months ago

RobertSpang commented 5 months ago

I raise this change request because...

Problem description

EN 15804+A2 chapter 7 3 3 2_RSL

Solution description

New master datasets need to be created and possibly the format extended

Relevance or added value

High relevance

RobertSpang commented 2 months ago

We find that new fields are needed to cover RSL information, but most likely no master data. We believe only the first line could be translated 1 to 1 into a new field. All other elements should be free text.

okworx commented 1 month ago

General: The declaration of an RSL is mandatory, if all B-modules are declared. Because without all B-modules, the use conditions are not properly defined.


Service Life (Reference Service Life (RSL) or Estimated Service Life (ESL)) mandatory if use stage is declared, only one needs to be selected


Declaration of the source; only 3 valid options:

Description (incl. reference to standard, section/subsection)

Declaration of the products service life acc. EN 15804+A2 chapter RSL. The RSL shall be established in accordance with any specific rules given in European product standards or, if not available, a c-PCR, and shall take into account ISO 15686-1, -2, -7 and -8. Where European product standards or a c-PCR provide guidance on deriving the RSL, such guidance shall have priority. The sources have to be indicated.

Data type (free text, enumeration, number (integer/decimal), date, etc.)

integer number

Cardinality (optional or mandatory, single occurrence or multiple occurrences)

contextually mandatory, single occurrence

Unit; fixed or variable

years; fixed

1aun commented 1 month ago

Use for

Suggested Name

Service life in years

Description of Context

Service life describes the lifespan of the product.

The value may be estimated by a manufacturer or calculated according to a standard, which then needs to be referenced.





Content / Data

A value representing the service life in years

A reference to the standard used

Means to distinguish ESL and RSL

No field needed: This can be done via existence and/or compliance of the reference to some standard. It's RSL if


okworx commented 1 month ago

example markup:

   <sl:referenceToStandard type="source data set" refObjectId="c0016b33-8cf7-415c-ac6e-deba0d21440d" version="00.01.000">
   <sl:comment xml:lang="en">The indicated service life requires installation and maintenance according to manufacturer instructions.</sl:comment>