InDataWG / ILCD-EPD-Data-Format

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ISO 22057 - Reference unit and RSL - factors and factor categories according to ISO 15686-8 #30

Open RobertSpang opened 4 months ago

RobertSpang commented 4 months ago

I raise this change request because...

Problem description

"factors and categories of in-use conditions that are considered in the determination of an ESL from an RSL" --> A-inherent performance level; B-design level; C-work execution level; D-indoor environment; E-outdoor environment; F-usage conditions; G-maintenance level


"designation representing a qualitative description of the in-use condition grading" --> 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; NA

Solution description

Further research needed; relevance should be checked. Could maybe be postponed for now.

Relevance or added value

Today of minor importance since ISO 15686-8 is not widely used.

RobertSpang commented 2 months ago

We should get an example of the actual use of ESL and RSL to get a better understanding of the use-case. In the end it should be meaningful/useful information for the building level. Robert will request Ecoplatform to raise the question to their members if anyone used ESL/RSL acc ISO 15686-8 in an EPD.

okworx commented 1 month ago
