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ISO 22057 - various LCIA methods #32

Open RobertSpang opened 4 months ago

RobertSpang commented 4 months ago

I raise this change request because...

Problem description

LCIA methods missing in master data

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Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon | biogenic CO₂ (combustion of waste) according to ISO 21930 | emissions from combustion of waste from renewable sources according to ISO 21930 | 3gW_Ueg55Blxy_lwebkH_V | kg CO₂ eq(100 years) -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon | biogenic CO₂ (leaving the product system) according to ISO 21930 | The biogenic carbon which is transferred to another system when the product is recycled or reused at end of life, measured as the mass of carbon dioxide which has been sequestered as carbon within the biomass contained in the product | 1ZvEocaTHEMPTJRnFUpYcn | kg CO₂ eq(100 years) Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon | biogenic removals and emissions within bio-based products according to EN 15804 | transfers, removals and emissions associated with biogenic carbon content contained within bio-based products according to EN 15804 | 3oBS6HUDX76wTXRpt_AYsg | kg C Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon | biogenic removals and emissions within bio-based products according to ISO 21930 | transfers, removals and emissions associated with biogenic carbon content contained within bio-based products according to ISO 21930 | 28myxJbvb6BuvbYvpDXnfK | kg CO₂ eq(100 years) Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon | biogenic removals and emissions within packaging according to EN 15804 | transfers removals and emissions associated with biogenic carbon content contained within bio-based packaging according to EN 15804 | 1Yf6QYI_f1mgIbrmD0OYae | kg C Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon | biogenic removals and emissions within packaging according to ISO 21930 | transfers, removals and emissions associated with biogenic carbon content contained within bio-based packaging according to ISO 21930 | 35jk6$uc5Dkwdakg21LDVQ | kg CO₂ eq(100 years) Inventory indicators describing resource use | consumption of freshwater according to ISO 14046 | net freshwater entering the product system being studied that is not returned to the same drainage basin from which it originated | 1Z_GqIAuj3h9nUmUyL16IQ | cubic metre Default international characterization methods | formation potential of tropospheric ozone according to ISO 21930: 2017 | the reaction of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides in the presence of heat and sunlight | 2p1a$1dbfC$e0pgz1wG9zI | kg ethene eq TRACI 2.1 Optional Indicators | fossil fuel depletion | extraction of fossil fuel resources at a rate higher than nature replenishes them | 1ntCLcMm1Etftfa_GA03jS | MJ, net calorific value TRACI 2.1 Optional Indicators | freshwater ecotoxicity potential for agricultural soil emissions | the potential toxic effects of natural soil emissions on freshwater aquatic ecosystems | 22mM4mbVDDAP6QVtmn2ZSF | CTUeco TRACI 2.1 Optional Indicators | freshwater ecotoxicity potential for freshwater emissions | the potential toxic effects of chemicals on freshwater aquatic ecosystems | 2o0IFYowH0hPhXRmVPctlw | CTUeco TRACI 2.1 Optional Indicators | freshwater ecotoxicity potential for natural soil emissions | the potential toxic effects of natural soil emissions on freshwater aquatic ecosystems | 3C6wCjKiPEthe7iZrCKhs7 | CTUeco TRACI 2.1 Optional Indicators | freshwater ecotoxicity potential for rural air emissions | the potential toxic effects of rural air emissions on freshwater aquatic ecosystems | 0QNBV8ynHENfYTcYrCakpA | CTUeco TRACI 2.1 Optional Indicators | freshwater ecotoxicity potential for seawater emissions | the potential toxic effects of seawater emissions on freshwater aquatic ecosystems | 3FB6yzOMj9wx7XG8TLq2Fs | CTUeco TRACI 2.1 Optional Indicators | freshwater ecotoxicity potential for urban air emissions | the potential toxic effects of urban air emissions on freshwater aquatic ecosystems | 2n2EMZsK555hS3d7I6m$5d | CTUeco Waste categories | intermediate and low-level radioactive waste disposed according to ISO 21930:2017 (mass) | intermediate and low-level radioactive waste, conditioned, to final repository given in mass | 3V9xnnG011JRgms62QJ0NV | kilogram Waste categories | intermediate and low-level radioactive waste disposed according to ISO 21930:2017 (volume) | intermediate and low-level radioactive waste, conditioned, to final repository given in volume | 0lKb5nu498P9vcSkbM2Gjh | cubic metre TRACI 2.1 Mandatory Indicators | ozone depletion potential for air emissions | Diminution of the stratospheric ozone layer due to anthropogenic emissions of ozone depleting substances | 2cEhZAi39FEfp5834BAvLg | kg CFC 11 eq Inventory indicators describing resource use | recovered energy | energy recovered from disposal of waste in previous systems, such as energy recovery from combustion of landfill gas or energy recovered from other systems using energy sources | 1SyWBmuV59ifb3ToypPElu | MJ, net calorific value Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon | removals and emissions from calcination and carbonation according to ISO 21930 | uptake of CO2 and emissions from calcination and carbonation, respectively | 1RLz6eatD9lvXo0JNE7pr5 | kg CO₂ eq(100 years) TRACI 2.1 Mandatory Indicators | smog formation potential for air emissions | the potential formation of ozone at the ground level of the troposphere caused by photochemical oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the presence of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sunlight | 0AEyNZq$b9fPoJkCVHS$WI | kg O₃ eq. EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 Mandatory LCIA Indicators | tropospheric ozone concentration increase | а measure of the amoutn of ozone in the troposphere (at the earth's surface) where it causes summer smog | 2KDnimpb10xv6PppooK8x4 | kg NMVOC eq Waste categories | total radioactive waste disposed (volume) | The sum, in wolume, of high-, intermediate- and low-level radioactive waste, conditioned, to final repository | 02$78h0_z3$O9jp1Lkmmv_ | cubic metre

Solution description

Check and if relevant create new master datasets

Relevance or added value


RobertSpang commented 3 months ago

We think information is sufficient for implementation. We should use the mandatory LCIA methods listed here to update the table of definitions.