InDataWG / ILCD-EPD-Data-Format

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how to maintain lists (of UUIDs for indicators, bg DBs etc.) in ASCII form and generate human-friendly representations #35

Open okworx opened 1 month ago

okworx commented 1 month ago

We want to maintain the lists of identifiers etc. in a git-friendly easy diffable fashion, while at the same time use them to generate HTML on GitHub Pages and XLS for download and developer package.

Probably CSV would be the preferred candidate as source format for tabular data, as it is easily editable and convertable.

okworx commented 1 month ago

ssconvert could be an interesting candidate to merge multiple CSVs (one per sheet) into a single XLSX:

A pandoc filter is available for transforming CSV to MD:

The tabular documents we want to convert to CSV (one CSV per worksheet, these will live in the git repo) are:

okworx commented 1 month ago

bonus points: auto-adjust column widths in the generated XLSX to the size of the cell contents