InFact-coop / IDEO-HCD

HCD = Human Centered Design
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Class 2 - Step 4: Plan your research #1

Open jsms90 opened 7 years ago

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

Thursday 8th June 9-10am

Attendance: Emily, Noga, Jen, Sohil

We've divided ourselves into 3 pairs to follow up on the leads below

  1. Bradley & Jen
  2. Emily & Noga
  3. Sohil & Jessica

A. People to Learn from (Precrafted—3+ individuals // Personal—8+ individuals) Leads that may hopefully put us in touch with people living with disabilities (PLWD) directly:

B. Experts to Speak to (Precrafted—1+ expert // Personal—3+ experts)

C. In-Context Immersion Locations (Precrafted—2+ locations // Personal—4+ locations)

D. Analogous Inspiration Locations (Precrafted—1+ location // Personal—3+ locations) Needs more research:

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

Other potential leads

I am well aware of the time constraints and how long our list of leads already is, however, I'm not sure how much we can/should rely on our current network, especially for the People to Learn from category.

The following is a list of organisations we may want to contact, who could potentially be considered experst or put us in touch with people living with disabilities (PLWD)

emilyb7 commented 7 years ago - contacted by email

jsms90 commented 7 years ago