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pay scale #15

Open jsms90 opened 7 years ago

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

@sofer 's google doc

bradreeder commented 7 years ago


In relation to this, are Anna Freud looking for paid support for the next hackathon in May and is this something we should consider taking on?

nogainbar commented 7 years ago

I would ❤️ that..

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

Some questions were thrown around after our meeting with Sion on 19th April, where he spoke about Calverts paying it's members equally.

  1. This pay structure
    • How do we encourage equal commitment to the coop with the pay disparity / time required from the different roles?
    • Those in the "support" roles will either need to look for other work, or we will need to make sure that that person has other work from us at the same time. Can we do that?
      Are we in danger of losing that person / can we guarantee keeping that person on board?
    • Do we all need to rotate into these "support" roles, to keep the pay fair? Is that possible (me as UX/UI vs @nogainbar :sweat_smile: )
  2. We probably need to pitch a different model & therefore different pay structure depending on the project
    e.g. If the project requires a lot of research to help the client figure out what they want built, before we even start developing