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Anna Freud Centre project #21

Open jsms90 opened 7 years ago

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

@bradreeder Please add any/all info here, so all 6 of us know what stage we're at :+1:

Just some ideas:

NB: Is any of this information too sensitive to be in a public repo?

bradreeder commented 7 years ago

@jsms90 Me and @nogainbar scheduled a meeting with Mark for 11am Friday 28th. He's on holiday at the moment and told us he won't have any more updates until next week. Can update here when I know more.

bradreeder commented 7 years ago

Mark from Anna Freud will be coming in this Friday (28th) at 11-12 to discuss a workshop that me and @nogainbar will be running with him. He will be working at FAC throughout the afternoon and wants to talk with us about some potential projects. I can do it with @nogainbar but just a heads up in case anyone else wants to get involved.

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

Outcome of our conversation at lunch: Mark and Alex have 3 potential projects for us to get involved in (down the line). The first of which will start somewhere around early June & last for 3-6 months.

This will be a video/text chat application, on behalf of Off The Record Croydon. In turn, they have 5 charities who are interested in using it. Given the WebRTC projects that IP Cortex has experience in, there may or may not be a collaboration there. Mark intends to reach out to Rob at IP Cortex there.

They intend to have funding for a Product Owner / Project Manager, Designer, 2 devs & a QA.

Mark has a meeting on Tuesday to discuss the specifics. We're hoping to set up a meeting with him next week, to hear about the results of that conversation.

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

While walking back to FAC after lunch, Mark suggested meeting with us again on Tuesday or Wednesday, after he has found out more.

I've just emailed him from, so we can all log in to see when he replies.

jsms90 commented 7 years ago

There is hesitation on behalf of the client about scrapping the existing PHP app. At this point, we're unsure whether the project is going ahead. First step is to create a wrapper around the PHP project to get the existing app working. Apparently this is undocumented & untested. Mark needs to get to grips with the architecture.

Mark feels confident that we will be starting in June. He is meeting with developer on Thursday. He is then meeting with Off The Record on Monday.

Don't know whether the project is going ahead. There seems to be some hesitation Could take between 6 and 9 months on £40-50,000 budget.

Action point @bradreeder Continue communication with Mark. Find out how his meeting goes on Thursday & then Monday.