Blender version : 2.91 official
Add-on version: 3.5.6
When you close Blender, you can see the following error in the console :
Exception in module unregister(): 'C:\\Users\\xan2622\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.91\\scripts\\addons\\ActionRecorder-master\\'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\blender_Portable\2.91\scripts\modules\", line 434, in disable
File "C:\Users\xan2622\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\ActionRecorder-master\", line 27, in unregister
RuntimeError: unregister_class(...):, missing bl_rna attribute from 'RNAMeta' instance (may not be registered)
Blender version : 2.91 official Add-on version: 3.5.6
When you close Blender, you can see the following error in the console :