Incuvers-Inc / Model-1

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hold running average for temperature #26

Open davidsean opened 5 years ago

davidsean commented 5 years ago

It seems like the readings of some temperature sensors fluctuate a bit. Three readings in a 1 second window can all vary by 0.1 Deg C. It is possible some manufactures offer a filtered readout while others are raw. For the latter case, a running average on the Arduino-side should be internally performed.

timsp commented 5 years ago

From my issue: Sensors with an accuracy which is within the displayed range create an interesting display effect where the chamber environment looks less stable than it is. Taking the average of multiple values will allow for a more reliable reading and better environmental stability.

timsp commented 5 years ago

If wrapping the OneWire object in another object (or otherwise setting up the ability to average the data in order to ensure smoother/more accurate results) ensure the new system sets the parameters in the temperature probes to ensure consistent results across all manufacturers and batches of devices.