So far I found the following errors in the master classification. I corrected them for the review DB.
classification_id 13: "buidlings" to "buildings",
classification_id 13: "buidlings and civil engineering" to "buildings and civil engineering"
classification_id 13: "multi-family houses" is sometime singular, sometimes plural. Could not match '3_MC_Buildings_Gustavsson_2006.xlsx' due to ambiguity.
classiication_id 5 contains numbers. For instance, the file '4_PY_WorldSteel_EoL_RR_SteelScrap.xlsx' expects values such as "steel scrap". Not sure what is going on here. Could not fix.
changed to correct building type, classification 13 is OK
changed classification for aspect 5 from 5 to 4
There is only one dataset that uses classification 4 (3_MC_NACEv2_4000Groups), here, it must be 4 instead of 5.
Classification 4 is the NACE product codes, which do have 8-digit codes (most of them numbers but not all) as main identifiers.
So far I found the following errors in the master classification. I corrected them for the review DB.