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Share of lightweight vehicles #11

Closed zerateltu closed 5 years ago

zerateltu commented 5 years ago

@stefan: Currently, the values of "share of lightweight vehicles" (generated from scenario target table) are used for "in-stock" vehicles. In future model update, maybe use these values for "inflow" vehicles instead, and generate the market share of in-stock lightweight vehicles endogenously?

nheeren commented 5 years ago

My understanding was that this is only the inflow and not the in-use stock. See also #8.

zerateltu commented 5 years ago

There is data for both "in-use" stocks and "inflow" in exported spreadsheet, though

nheeren commented 5 years ago

Do you mean "in-use stock, ..." with the unit "Vehicles: million, Buildings: million m2"? I believe Stefan added this only now, i.e. in

zerateltu commented 5 years ago

Yes, i mean "in-use stock, ..." with the unit "Vehicles: million, Buildings: million m2". Somehow, I was under impression that "share of xxx vehicle" values are used for "in-use stock, ...". Perhaps I was wrong...will check with Stefan during next call.

nheeren commented 5 years ago

You should quickly see it if you compare it with the assumptions from the target tables / input files in CURRENT.

stefanpauliuk commented 5 years ago

The values of "share of lightweight vehicles" (generated from scenario target table) are actually used to divide the total "inflow" vehicles into the different ULD and MSU archetypes, and the share of in-stock lightweight vehicles is already determined endogenously by the stock-driven model.

zerateltu commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the clarification, Stefan!