IndEcol / pymrio

Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis in Python.
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Calculating consumption based GHG emission intensities #117

Closed larrydsouza closed 11 months ago

larrydsouza commented 11 months ago

I am new to python, the exiobase database and using pymrio. I tried looking at the documentation but being very new to it I was not able to figure out how to get the desired output.

After multiple attempts and using chatgpt ;) I ended up with this script but not able to successfully extract the desired output. I would like to "Calculate the consumption based emission intensities of all the 200 products for all the 49 regions for just a single impact 'GHG emissions AR5 (GWP100) | GWP100 (IPCC, 2010)'

I would like to use the data for my research to calculate GHG Emissions impacts from purchased products and services (GHG protocol Scope 3 category 1 and category 2)

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

import pymrio

# Replace 'path_to_data_folder' with the path to the folder containing the Exiobase data files
exio3 = pymrio.parse_exiobase3(path=r"C:/Users/guess/")

# The 'exio3' variable now contains the parsed Exiobase data in the pymrio format

# Load all relevant matrices from the Exiobase data

# Step 2: Calculate direct emissions
direct_emissions =

# Step 3: Calculate total emissions
total_emissions =

# Step 4: Calculate consumption-based emissions
consumption_based_emissions =

# Step 5: Adjust for Imports and Exports
consumption_based_emissions -=

# Step 6: Calculate consumption-based emission intensities
consumption_based_emission_intensities = consumption_based_emissions / exio3.Y

# Print the result

# Save the results to a CSV file if needed
# Replace 'path_to_output_file' with the desired output file path
consumption_based_emission_intensities.to_csv(path=r"C:/Users/purchased goods and services/output.csv")
larrydsouza commented 11 months ago


konstantinstadler commented 11 months ago

Hi, exio3 = pymrio.parse_exiobase3(path=r"C:/Users/guess/") exio3.calc_all() exio3.impacts.D_cba_reg holds the impacts aggregated to regions

see the docs/terminology for the naming of the different tables, all indexing can be done via pandas