IndEcol / pymrio

Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis in Python.
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Ghosh implementation for downstream scope 3 #135

Closed Beckebanze closed 3 months ago

Beckebanze commented 5 months ago

The current pymrio has all relevant matrices related the Leontief attribution model implemented. This can be used to calculate the factors of production that are used as input to a sector or product, covering the upstream indirect inputs, also referred to as upstream scope 3. The scope 3 of a sector also includes a downstream component, which consists of the factors of production associated with the sector's input to other sectors. An attribution methodology that covers this so-called downstream scope 3 is the Ghosh model. Mathematically, there are many similarities between the Ghosh and Leontief models, and it thus makes sense to implement Ghosh in analogy with Leontief.

The proposal is to

konstantinstadler commented 5 months ago

That would be a fantastic contribution. I would love to add this to pymrio and happy to receive a pull request for this