IndEcol / pymrio

Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis in Python.
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Spelling Error txt file populatino exio2 #9

Open konstantinstadler opened 9 years ago

konstantinstadler commented 9 years ago

rewrite index population and check script if the wrong name is used anywhere

konstantinstadler commented 6 years ago

The population data handling has to be redone to be generic for all included MRIOs

bixiou commented 6 years ago

Don't know if it's the same problem or if it deserves its own issue but there is a small bug when calling exio2 = pymrio.parse_exiobase2(path='...', charact=True, popvector='exio2') after an install from pip: population.txt is not located where it should be. I circumvented the bug by creating the folder defined in tools/ and putting the file in it (I found the file online).